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Riding a bicycle is a healthy, ecologic, sustainable and respectful activity which can be also turned into a lifestyle itself. As in any other practice, there are several “tribes” with diverse goals, cultures and life philosophies, according to their own interpretations and personal choices. Some are the creators of such “tribes”. They are called the pioneers.
“The Soul of a Cyclist” aims to convey a deeper insight into one of these “tribes”, which isn’t necessarily worried about purchasing the latest, most expensive, lightest and fastest bicycle. This “tribe”, on which we will focus our attention, is more interested in the love to an object with which they’ve shared efforts, objectives, goals, joy and pain and, therefore, carries its own “soul”, becoming a “living being” or almost a very close companion. These cyclists, these people, value the old versus the new, restoration versus replacement, loyalty versus dazzlement, the candid past versus the grey future, deep relationships versus ephemeral acquaintances. 

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We will find out that behind this lifestyle there are many personal relationships, filled with human values (antithesis of the Facebook-society we live in, full of make-believe-appearances), the sharing of moments around food & wine, the search and everyday living of “vintage” traditions, which, in fact, end up transmitting a fascinating photogeny (from classical bicycle models, to old garments and accessories, never forgetting the culture of the true gentlemen). We will also unveil many other fascinating findings, that this documentary will show the viewer and allow him to travel, discover and fall in love with this lifestyle. In fact, such lifestyle is easily accessible to everyone being, in addition, this a sustainable one with the surrounding environment (as well as the interpersonal relationships) and, in a subliminal way, that’s also a positive message to convey on this documentary. Ultimately, we aim for an inspiring, slow-paced and happiness-inducing documentary.


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